

  • 减轻压力
  • 获得信心
  • 更好地管理时间
  • 接受指导

Trula咨询™ provides students with immediate and/or ongoing confidential, 24-hour therapy, year-round for any school, health, or general life concern at no cost to 学生. Students can call a licensed therapist from their phone at any time, 无论位置如何.

If you, or any 雪的大学 student you know, may be in need of compassionate and 保密治疗,随时联系.


Call 1-800-573-5960 去找心理医生谈谈,还是 点击这里 找一个咨询师,安排一个免费的虚拟约会.

1-800-573-5960 - OR - almakam-infos.com/trulacoaching



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When the Trula咨询 call center counselor answers, let them know that you are 她是网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生,正在寻求帮助.

The Trula咨询 call center counselor will conduct a brief screening and connect 你可以去找有执照的心理医生.


Scheduled, on-going support counseling by phone or secure video portal

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When the Trula咨询 call center counselor answers, let them know that you are 她是网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生,正在寻求持续的支持性治疗.

The Trula咨询 call center counselor will conduct an initial 评估 and ask you about the type of therapist you are looking for and any specific concerns you 希望解决.

After that, you will be contacted by a Trula咨询 licensed therapist within 2-5 几天后开始持续治疗.

为教师 & 仅限工作人员:即时、实时电话咨询

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When the Trula咨询 call center counselor answers, let them know that you are a faculty or staff member with 雪的大学 and are seeking consultations on where 派学生去支援.

The Trula咨询 call center counselor will conduct a brief screening and provide you guidance, if 适当的, on where to send 学生 for support.


我们的目标是让每个学生都能得到正确的支持. 我们的员工操守第一 a thoughtful needs 评估 to understand each student’s presenting issue and their 首选单次治疗或计划治疗. 大多数学生要求 in the moment support as they are looking for support right now, and an appointment in a week’s time won’t help them address the anxiety or conflict they are experiencing 在那一刻. 任何参加一次培训的学生都会接受一次临床培训 评估. Students seeking in the moment support will be referred to Trula咨询 scheduled support or a higher level of care outside of Trula咨询 when clinically 适当的.

Real-Time, Single Session Support (real time or in the moment support)

Single session support is a one-time intervention delivered by the Masters level counselors 在护理访问中心. 这些课程由第一个有空的咨询师提供 在一天中的任何时间通过电话或聊天. 这种服务是最合适的 when a student is needing support regulating their emotional state, feel as though 他们正处于危机关头,或者只是不知道下一步该做什么. 我们的辅导员 trained to support by deescalating and working with 学生 to find resolution 并为下一步提出建议. 假设这是 first available counselor this is not 适当的 for concerns that continually arise 或者是一时无法解决的问题.

Example: Student recently had a fight with their roommate and doesn’t know how to 和他们谈谈. They feel awkward coming home to their apartment and they immediately 去他们的房间,不要使用公共空间. 他们需要支持来解决问题 how to have a conversation with their roommate so they can get back to normal. Student is referred to in the moment support because their concern is so limited in scope and likely easily addressed in a single session to discuss how to approach having 艰难的谈话.


Scheduled Support is multi-session support with a dedicated counselor. 这种支持 以短期解决方案为导向的咨询(“STSFC”). STSFC的目标是 to support individuals in identifying a concern or situation they are struggling with, 无论是日常压力还是重大的生活变化. 从那里,客户端 and the counselor can start working toward a goal of what’s possible and how to reach 这一目标. Being that this is with a dedicated counselor the opportunity is to practice new skills and techniques between sessions that help the client attain 他们的目标. Then the client and counselor will revisit these things in subsequent sessions to help build what’s working, evaluate what’s not, and how close they are to attaining 他们的目标.

Trula咨询 services do not have a set limit on sessions, however, we work on 关注短期解决方案(STSF)的支持模型. 会话频率和总数 治疗次数由临床适宜性决定.

STSF is a therapeutic approach used by counselors to help people improve the way a client deals with anything from everyday stressors to high-impact life events. With a counselor’s support people focus on the present moment to “solution” an issue, or 关心或情况. 然而,并不是所有的问题都有解决方案. 有时候, best solution to a problem is finding a healthy way to cope with it. 因此,您 可能是在咨询期间设定一个“目标”,而不是一个解决方案. STSF咨询 can be provided in as few as one session or over a number of sessions.

Trula教练 is a FREE peer coaching program that connects college students looking 获得训练有素的合格同行教练的支持和指导. 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行录取 free access to Trula教练 services to all 雪的大学 students.

Make noticeable improvements in your life with a trusted coach to guide you. 无论何时, wherever.

Peer coaching takes a goal-oriented approach meant to provide you with a partner (your coach) and tools to help you overcome 挑战, maximize your potential and/or enhance 你的幸福. 指导的过程通常会打开以前未开发的资源 动机,生产力和领导力.

We all have goals we want to reach, 挑战 we’re striving to overcome, and times 当我们陷入困境. 与教练合作可以改变你的生活,让你走上一条 通往更好的健康和更大的个人成就感的道路.

Students commonly use peer coaches as a sounding board to talk through things, or as an accountability partner to help you set and reach personal goals and overcome 挑战. Our Coaches can also assist with personal development, goal setting, confidence building, positive self-image, connection, stress management, organization, communication, 自我照顾和人际关系技巧.

有 more than 25 coaches with different availability times Monday through Saturday 从早上8点到晚上8点. 这样,你就可以在合适的时间联系教练 你的日程安排.


During your first session, you and your coach will get to know each other and your coach will talk through what coaching is and the ways it may work for you. 有 对你没有期望.

这很正常. 你不需要知道. 指导的一部分就是弄清楚 你想要的. 这些通常是最有意义的会议. 你的教练知道如何导航 this.

指导可以通过短信、电话或视频进行. 你决定!